Name:Buford McGraw

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Save us Lord, from gay marriage!

The state of Texas, that bastion of tolerance, is holding a vote on eight different constitutional amendments on November 8. One of these is Proposition 2, which would enshrine the state's 'Defence of Marriage' Act, outlawing gay marriage, as a constitutional amendment. So, those upstanding Christian soldiers from the KKK have decided to hold a rally in the state capital to support Propisition 2 right before voting day.

Listening to this 'man-of-god' determined to keep them uppity gays in their place squirm about his new brothers-in-arms is real funny:

"(Baptist Pastor Ryan) Rush said that a group that would come in that is characterized as hateful and bigoted is not welcome in this city. He said he doesn't want the Klan as a partner on any cause."

Uh, uh...hoo boy...hmmena hemmena hemmena...

The irony of this man's stance, what with his unlimited tolerance and acceptance for gay people, is completely lost on him, I guess.


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