Name:Buford McGraw

Thursday, October 13, 2005

How dare you be...lawyerin' like that

Earlier today, I'm perusing the Washington Post, because, as a charter member of the liberal media elite, it's part of the rules of admission, and I come across this dity in an inside-the- beltway blog known as 'The Fix' about the acrimonious Governor's race in Virginia between Repugnican Jerry Kilgore and Demmycrat Tim Kaine, two people you've never heard of. Unless, of course, you live in Virgina, but what are the chances of that?

Anyway, the gist of this new spat between the two candidates is that apparently, it is now indefensible in the state of Virginia to defend an accused murderer. Yes, this guy was convicted (and subsequently executed), but you, Virginia resident, shouldn't vote for Mr. Kaine, because he had the temerity to represent an accused criminal. How dare he...


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